An Exploration of Thai Primary School Teachers’ Experience of Using Scaffolding Techniques in an EFL Classroom

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Muanchan Utthavudhikorn
Kittitouch Soontornwipast


The aim of this study is to investigate teachers' experiences with the utilization of scaffolding techniques, such as translation, modeling, feedback, group work, activating prior knowledge, pre-teaching vocabulary, and visual aids, in elementary school classrooms. The primary objectives are to gain insights into the techniques employed by teachers, the challenges they encountered, and their problem-solving strategies. The study involved nine elementary school teachers instructing in a regular English program located in Petchabun Province, Thailand. Data was gathered through semi-structured one-on-one interviews and non-participant classroom observations. The findings of the study revealed that teachers employed various scaffolding techniques during their lessons, with the choice of techniques often guided by their experience and personal judgment. Notably, teachers encountered challenges related to students' motiv

ation, concentration, proficiency levels, and self-confidence, which influenced their use of scaffolding strategies.

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How to Cite
Utthavudhikorn, M., & Soontornwipast, K. (2024). An Exploration of Thai Primary School Teachers’ Experience of Using Scaffolding Techniques in an EFL Classroom. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 17(1), 857–880. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Muanchan Utthavudhikorn, Language Institute, Thammasat University

An MA ELT student at Language Institute Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand. Her research interests include English Language Teaching and scaffolding techniques

Kittitouch Soontornwipast, Language Institute, Thammasat University

An Assistant Professor at Language Institute, Thammasat University. His research interests are materials development, innovation in ELT, qualitative research, and mixed-methods research.


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