The role of Bangladeshi ports in developing integrated intermodal freight transportation system in South Asia


  • Razon Chandra Saha Center for Higher Studies and Research, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh



Transport, Intermodal, Bay of Bengal, OBOR, India, China


This paper aims to find out the role of Bangladeshi ports in South Asia for developing integrated intermodal freight transportation system to mitigate the demand of port transport in the region through container from port to inland container depot or dry port or inland container terminal even from/to shipper/consignee premises. The strategic location of Bangladeshi ports in the Bay of Bengal are lucrative for the international traders, investors and others to invest in the port industry as well as manufacturing industry to develop international trade in South Asia especially in India, Nepal , Bhutan and Bangladesh . In addition, Bangladesh has opportunity to serve Myanmar through coastal shipping and road haulage of containers. In here, port rivalry among the ports of Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka is described to focus the importance of Bangladeshi ports also to get the real scenario of port facilities in South Asia. At the end of the paper, deep port initiative is attributed to connect with the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative of China. Finally, in the view of intermodal freight transportation and port competition in the regions, future directions are stated for Bangladeshi ports to compete with others in the South Asian region.


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