Maritime Technology and Research


Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2025): April - June
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Oceans are important for humans. We have relied on them, extending from coasts to offshore zones. The sea is much more than just a “highway made of water” to transport goods and people. Coastal areas are valuable. Coastal protection and management are important for community development. Sustainable exploitations of oceanic resources while managing marine pollution are required. Understanding them is a foundation for the sustainable use of maritime resources.    

          MTR is a peer-reviewed journal covering all areas of maritime technology. It provides a forum for discussion of current issues, new ideas, and developments, as well as breakthroughs in coastal and oceanic arenas. The range of topics extends from coastal zone to deep ocean, including engineering, environment, logistics, as well as other management aspects such as maritime policy, maritime education, and the well-being of seafarers.


Peer review process

After submission, MTR will screen for plagiarism by its internal system. If the plagiarism percentage is greater than 20 % (except the reference list), the submission will be rejected immediately. MTR implements a double-blinded review system with at least 2 expert reviewers. 

          Once, the reviewers accept to review, it will take 3-4 weeks to complete the review. If a reviewer recommends "re-submit for review", the revised manuscript will be sent back to the same reviewer for re-evaluation. If a reviewer recommends "revision", the Editor-in-chief will perform a thorough check on how the authors address all reviewers'comments, and decide whether or not the revision should be sent to the same reviewers for re-assessment. A second or third revision is possible. There may be a case when even a revision is rejected because the authors do not seriously consider the reviewers' comments and address them critically.

          Full details of the review process can be accessed at


Submission and publication charge policy 

Supported by the Faculty of International Maritime Studies (Kasetsart University, Thailand), MTR aims to be a venue for researchers to share advancement. We believe sharing research results in an open-access fashion can strengthen our maritime community.


On 10 February 2025, our policy on the publication charge is as follows,

Manuscripts submitted after 1 July 2025, if accepted for publication in MTR, will be requested to pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) of 290 USD.


Manuscripts submitted before 1 July 2025 will not be charged the APC. The Faculty of International Maritime Studies (Kasetsart University, Thailand), uses its budget to support the publication expenses.

Collecting the APC does not affect any decision made by the editor on the manuscript.


Topics of interest

The coverage of MTR includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

  • Maritime and port management such as maritime logistics and supply chains, container and yard management, maritime economics, port design and planning, maritime safety and risk assessment, maritime history, maritime laws and policy, piracy, seafarers’ welfare and health, and maritime education
  • Oceanographic earth and management such as coastline, bathymetry, marine pollution, ship-generated wastes, and green technology in maritime transportation
  • Marine and coastal resources such as mangroves, seagrasses, sediments, ocean energy, and sustainable utilization. However, topics that are purely related to marine biology are outside the scope of MTR
  • Marine and offshore engineering such as material improvement for marine applications, marine corrosion, marine structural mechanics, naval architecture, offshore structures, ship design, ship resistance and propulsion, ship spare parts, subsea and underwater technology
  • Coastal engineering and management such as integrated coastal management, coastal structures, beach management, coastal erosion, coastal simulations, port and waterfront structures
  • Maritime navigation such as navigational safety, navigational techniques, ship maneuvering


Publication frequency


           Issue 1:  January - March

           Issue 2: April - June

           Issue 3: July - September

           Issue 4: October - December


Accepted article types

          Research article

MTR accepts and publishes original research articles that contribute to advancements in maritime society. A research article should be well-structured and contain novelty that makes a significant contribution to how to explore, utilize, or manage the ocean and coast more sustainably.

          Review article

MTR welcomes review articles on emerging topics of current interest. There is no page limit as long as the article contains the necessary content for the review. A review article should comprehensively summarize the current understanding of an ocean-related topic and should be based on an extensive collection of previously published research. A systematic review is also welcome.


Sources of Support: Faculty of International Maritime Studies, Kasetsart University

E-ISSN: 2651-205X
Start year: 2019