Roughness coefficient of polyurethane-bonded revetment


  • Tanapon Rattharangsri Vigor Merger Co., Ltd., Bangkok 10600, Thailand
  • Effi Helmy Ariffin School of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu 21030, Malaysia
  • Nor Aslinda Awang National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia, Ministry of Land, Water and Natural Resources, Selangor 43300, Malaysia
  • Qi Hongshuai Third Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resource, Xiamen, Fujian 361005, China



Coastal protection structure, Coastal erosion, Alternative revetment, Polyurethane revetment


This article analyzed the roughness coefficient of polyurethane-bonded revetment (PBR) by laboratory testing. A wave basin was constructed, with a regular wave generator installed. Three types of revetment were constructed at the same time in the wave basin. Scales were painted on the revetments. Video cameras were installed to record the wave run-up. Measurments of wave height and wave period during the tests were not necessary, since a run-up estimation was entirely based on a linear relationship. The PBR’s roughness coefficient could be interpolated from those of rock and concrete revetments. Three revetment slopes were tested. The roughness coefficient of the PBR was found to be in the range of 0.632 - 0.674, with a standard deviation of 0.042 - 0.053. Following this identification of the roughness coefficient of PBR, coastal engineers can now design revetment crest elevations with confidence.


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