Shipping patterns may be altered according to available refining capacities
Crude oil logistics, Shipping patterns, Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP), Alternate optimal solutionsAbstract
Alternate optimal solutions in the mathematical programming solution of a real-world problem are rare, unless there are multiple objective functions. In a recent application of two mathematical programming solvers to a problem of crude oil logistics, I obtained two different optimal solutions. The almost optimal solutions obtained from the convex combinations of the two optimal solutions are feasible as real transportation choices if the optimal solutions cannot be implemented. It was observed that the two solutions led to different capacity utilizations at refineries downstream, and so did the many solution alternatives. This is useful information fora petroleum company during downtime for maintenance or capacity expansion.
Cite this article: Toppur, B. (2022). Shipping patterns may be altered according to available refining capacities. Maritime Technology and Research, 4(1), 253244.
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