Wind-assisted propulsion: Economic and ecological considerations


  • Karsten Hochkirch DNV, Brooktorkai 18, Hamburg 20457, Germany
  • Volker Bertram DNV, Brooktorkai 18, Hamburg 20457, Germany



Wind Assistance, Flettner rotor, Energy efficiency, Decarbonization, Economic and ecological


Wind propulsion is well known and has propelled ships for millennia. However, with the advent of fossil-fuel powered ships, wind energy lost its importance for cargo transport almost 100 years ago. Rising fuel prices, and a society more aware of the consequences of CO2 emissions, fuels the revitalization of this energy source, and a variety of wind-assisted propulsion systems are on the market today. Key factors for the success of wind-assisted propulsion are discussed, and a case study for a multipurpose vessel is used as an illustration.

Cite this article: Hochkirch, K., Bertram, V. (2022). Wind-assisted propulsion: Economic and ecological considerations. Maritime Technology and Research, 4(3), 254498.


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