The Pattern of Coastline Changes and Wave Modelling around the Expansion of PPI Popoh Tulung Agung, East Java


  • Nafla Aulia Miranda Department of Oceanography, Hang Tuah University, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim 150, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Rudi Siap Bintoro Department of Oceanography, Hang Tuah University, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim 150, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Viv Djanat Prasita Department of Oceanography, Hang Tuah University, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim 150, Surabaya, Indonesia



Abrasion, Accretion, Hydrodynamic Modelling, Popoh Beach, Sedimentation, Sentinel-2


The expansion of the Popoh PPI in Popoh Village, Tulungagung, East Java affects the movement of currents and waves in the vicinity. The purpose of this study was to analysis sediments and the pattern of coastline changes and to elaborate these using wave modelling based around the expansion of the Fish Landing Port Popoh. The methods used in this research were sieve analysis, remote sensing and GIS for processing Sentinel-2 imagery, and hydrodynamic modeling using DHI MIKE 21. Sediment sampling was carried out based on a purposive sampling method, with 10 points spread over land and water using a sediment grab. The findings of the study showed that there was a fairly large accretion from 2015 to 2021, with sand and clay sediment types. The accretion process dominated the abrasion process at Popoh Beach. In the period 2015 to 2018, the area of ​​accretion was 17.78 hectares and, in the period 2018 to 2021, the area of ​​accretion was 9.32 hectares, so that for 6 years there was an accretion of 18.79 hectares. The average wave energy was 1.5 kW/m per year on eroded beaches with sandy sediments.

Cite this article: Miranda, N.A., Bintoro, R.S., Prasita, V.D. (2023). The Pattern of Coastline Changes and Wave Modelling around the Expansion of PPI Popoh Tulung Agung, East Java. Maritime Technology and Research, 5(4), 262926.


  • A sizable increase in land area from 2015 to 2021 with sand and clay sediment types
  • The area of ​​increase in the 2015 - 2018 period was 17.78 hectares and in the 2018 - 2021 period it was 9.32 hectares
  • The beach accretion process is more dominant than the beach abrasion process in Popoh Beach
  • The average wave energy of 1.5 kW/m per year has eroded the sandy beaches of Popoh Beach


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