The influence of traditional bottom set gill net dimension with the daily catches of Rastrelliger Faughni at the Karangantu Archipelago Fisheries Port, Banten Province, Indonesia
Influence, Dimension, Fishing Gear, Catch Result, Karangantu Archipelago Fisheries PortAbstract
The Karangantu Archipelago Fisheries Port has a central role in provincial fisheries in Banten Province, Indonesia. This role shows that fisher catches are necessary to support regional needs, so that the fishing process up to the dimensions of fishing also helps the catch potential. The measurements of the fishing gear refer to the type of fishing gear, the type of vessel (GT), the number of boxes, and the number of fishers who act as crew members (ABK) during the fishing process. This study aims to measure the influence of the dimensions of fishing gear on the catches obtained by fishers at the Karangantu Archipelago Fisheries Port. The research method uses quantitative methods, based on the results of linear regression of the dependent and independent variables, and interviews in data collection. The results show that the variables of ship weight, number of boxes, and number of crew members had a common effect, 0.35 or 35 %, on fish catches. The low coefficient indicates the influence of the dimensions of the fishing gear is not always the primary determinant. There are 65 % physical and production variables to maximize the dimensions of the fishing gear to support increased catches. Based on this influence analysis, it can be used as a reference for maximizing the dimensions of fisher fishing gear to support increased catches, given the role of Karangantu Archipelago Fisheries Port as a supplier of fish at the provincial level.
Cite this article: Susiloningtyas, D., Daulay, A.D.K., Ridho, M.Y., Sembahen, B.M. (2024). The influence of traditional bottom set gill net dimension with the daily catches of Rastrelliger Faughni at the Karangantu Archipelago Fisheries Port, Banten Province, Indonesia. Maritime Technology and Research, 6(1), 265455.
- The field survey time is essential to decide due to habitual results because of weather differences
- All fishers observed are using rampus nets (bottom gill net) as their fishing gear
- Correlation between fishing gear dimensions and daily fish catches analyzed with statistical quantitative methods by linear regression
- The fish gear dimension does not significantly affect daily fish catches, proven by the low coefficient of determination (R-squared) of 0.35
- Other factors that affect daily fish catches of fishers are location, environmental conditions, and physical water
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