An integrated intermodal freight transportation system to avoid container supply chain disruptions in Chattogram Port of Bangladesh


  • Razon Chandra Saha Saif Powertec Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • H. M. Abdus Sabur E-Engineering Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Tarafder Md. Ruhul Saif Saif Powertec Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh



Freight transportation, Chattogram port, Lloyd’s List, Port productivity, Quantitative research methodology, Intermodal model


An integrated intermodal freight transportation system is a derived demand to transport shipping containers from/to the seaport to/from the hinterland, instead of undertaking cargo loading and unloading activities in port-protected areas. The concept of the intermodal system is to transfer containers to nearby hinterland nodes, such as dry ports, inland rail, road, and river terminals as a part of port development, as well as increasing port efficiency and productivity. Lloyd’s List ranked Chattogram Port as the 67th busiest container port in the world as per container port throughput in 2022. Chattogram Port has small-scale intermodal facilities for off-docks/ICDs in the port city only. In addition, a pure intermodal system has been developed by one rail ICD in the capital city, Dhaka, and two RICTs nearby Dhaka, but less than 5 % of port throughput. A large-scale intermodal for serving the major cities, SEZs, EPZs, and industrial areas is absent due to planning and policy problems, as well as the unavailability of intermodal infrastructure and network. Due to an improper hinterland intermodal chain, the port faced container supply chain disruptions at the port yard and exceeded port capacity, resulting in container vessel congestion at the outer anchorage of Chattogram Port. By developing rail and road infrastructure, and utilizing natural river connectivity, it is possible to develop road, rail, and river intermodal systems, and shape an integrated intermodal freight transportation system to avoid container supply chain disruptions in Chattogram Port. To develop an integrated intermodal system, this research chose a quantitative research methodology for port throughput data analysis and forecasting future throughputs that are advanced to the intermodal model for Chattogram Port. Overall, this paper aims to develop an integrated intermodal freight transportation system to support Chattogram Port to keep and increase the record of port productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness actively.

Cite this article: Saha, R.C., Abdus Sabur, H.M., Ruhul Saif, T.Md. (2024). An integrated intermodal freight transportation system to avoid container supply chain disruptions in Chattogram Port of Bangladesh. Maritime Technology and Research, 6(4), 269380.


  • Intermodal system is a derived demand for managing hinterland and port terminals of a seaport that needs to be implemented in Chattogram Port
  • Container supply chain disruptions to be avoided to increase the port productivity and efficiency
  • Inland intermodal connectivity will help to increase hinterland of a seaport
  • It is necessary to develop an integrated intermodal freight transportation system to support Chattogram Port to keep and increase the record of port productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness globally


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