Utility of 3D printing in ship repairs
3D Printing; Additive manufacturing; Ships; Repair; SustainabilityAbstract
With a growing focus on Sustainable Development Goals 2030, sustainability has become crucial in the shipping industry. Disruptive technologies like 3D printing can reduce manufacturing and operating costs, ensuring a robust spare supply chain for ships and offshore platforms. This technology can manufacture complex shapes, aiding in repairs and maintenance without requiring extensive cutting and welding. However, the unique and non-repetitive nature of ship repairs has hindered automation in this sector. This paper examines the utility of 3D printing in ship repairs, aiming to reduce repair costs and time while enhancing sustainability. The study shows that numerous advantages exist in using this technology in the shipping industry. However, its usage needs to be facilitated with adequate public awareness, preparation of procedures for manufacturing 3D printed parts, and standardization of 3D printers.
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Agarwala, N. (2025). Utility of 3D printing in ship repairs. Maritime Technology and Research, 7(1), 270067. https://doi.org/10.33175/mtr.2025.272285
- Sustainability has become an important aspect in the shipping industry
- Disruptive technologies like 3-D printing can help achieve the desired sustainability
- Use of 3D printers for ship repairs can improve availability of ships
- Use of 3D printing for ship spares requires manufacturing procedures to be specified by the classification societies
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