Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
The papers submitted for publication must be academic works that deal with the field of development administration: Policy, Administration, and Development.
The types of contributions include Research Article, Journal Article, Review Article, Book Review, and Article Review.
Each paper submitted for publication will be rigorously reviewed by the Editorial Team and at least three reviewers, who are knowledgeable in the field. A decision by the Editorial Team is considered final.
The submitted paper must be unpublished work and must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The paper must contain the following:
- Title both in Thai and in English
- Names of all authors both in Thai and in English
- Abstract of 150-250 words both in Thai and in English
- Keywords of 3-5 words both in Thai and in English -
The text must be printed with single space on one-side of A4 paper with margins of 2.5 cm for top and left sides, and 2 cm for bottom and right sides, and not be longer than 25 pages.
The title must be printed in
(Thai in Angsana New 20 pts, bold)
(English in Time New Roman 14 pts, bold)
- The name of the author must be printed in
(Thai in Angsana New 16 pts, bold, italic) - Aligned right
(English in Time New Roman 12 pts, bold, italic) - Aligned right
The academic position, workplace and email address of the author specified as footnote at the end of the page with the symbol (*) according to the number of the authors.
- The title of “Abstract” and “Keywords” in
(Thai in Angsana New 16 pts, bold)
(English in Time New Roman 12 pts, bold)
- The abstract must be printed in
(Thai in Angsana New 16 pts)
(English in Time New Roman 12 pts)
- The content must be printed in
(Thai in Angsana New 16 pts)
(English in Time New Roman 12 pts)
- Main heading in
(Thai in Angsana New 18 pts, bold)
(English in Time New Roman 14 pts, bold)
- Sub heading in
(Thai in Angsana New 16 pts, bold)
(English in Time New Roman 12 pts, bold) - The manuscript plus a submission form should be submitted via ThaiJO system (Thai Journal Online System) at
- References must abide by the APA Style system and must be alphabetically shown. For Thai references, reference list must be added by translating Thai references into English.
Please download and fill the submission form and attach with the manuscript DOWNLOAD
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Please download template here DOWNLOAD
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.