Thai Values Embedded in the Play Scripts Selected by the Royal Thai Institute and a Metaphor Analysis

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ณฐา จิรอนันตกุล
รุจิระ โรจนประภายนต์


Based on Lakoff and Johnson’s metaphor analysis (1980), this study aims at investigating Thai values embedded in metaphorical expressions in the selected play scripts appearing in the book “Wakthong Nai WannakadeeThai” by the Royal Thai Institute (2011). Seven titles of the selected play scripts consisting of 252 work pieces were qualified for analysis.

Two research questions were (1) What are the characteristics of the metaphoric expressions in the play scripts selected by the Royal Thai Institute? (2) What are the Thai values embedded in metaphorical expressions in the play scripts selected by the Royal Thai Institute?

Findings reveal that (1) the metaphorical expressions were categorized into eight groups, including (a) monarchy, (b) women, (c) women’s physique, (d) men, (e) religion, (f) war, (g) mother and maternity, and  (h) others; and (2) Thai values embedded in the metaphorical expressions were found and classified into five groups: (a) values on hierarchy, (b) values on patriarchy,  (c) values on collectivism, (d) values on Buddhism , and  (e) values on

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How to Cite
จิรอนันตกุล ณ., & โรจนประภายนต์ ร. (2018). Thai Values Embedded in the Play Scripts Selected by the Royal Thai Institute and a Metaphor Analysis. NIDA Development Journal, 58(1), 1–20. retrieved from


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