Development of operational plans for the green aquatic animal business and the aquatic animal restoration of seagrass beds with the participation of small-scale fishers from the Koh Muk community, Trang Province, Thailand

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Natthita Rojchanaprasart
Prasert Tongnunui
Apirak Songrak
Boonkrun Porndetanan
Dawan Sanlee
Tirathana Chumsaengsri


The performance of the green aquatic animal business and aquatic animal restoration in the seagrass beds of the Koh Muk community was based on participatory action research with the community. Small-scale fishers from Koh Muk community were co-researchers, not informants, while the researchers had roles in advising, encouraging, and coaching. This study was divided into three phases: 1) development of plans; 2) implementation of the plans; and 3) monitoring and evaluation through translating the lessons learned from the operation. Since the research is still in Phase I, this article will present only the results from Phase I, which dealt with the development of plans through three community forums. In the first forum, the researchers explained the small-scale fishers to understand about participatory action research and got them to analyze problems and the community capacity concerning social capital by using needs assessment and SWOT analysis techniques. The second forum was focused on providing knowledge to small-scale fishers regarding the group setting and plan-making in order to get them to draft a plan on the green aquatic animal business and aquatic animal restoration of the seagrass beds of the Koh Muk community. In the third forum, the small-scale fishers set up a committee structure for “Lae Lay” group administration, prepared group agreements, revised the draft plan, and added details to the complete plan. The result of this forum was a three-year plan on the green aquatic animal business and aquatic animal restoration of the seagrass beds of the Koh Muk community for later implementation and monitoring during Phase II and III.

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How to Cite
Rojchanaprasart, N., Tongnunui, P., Songrak, A., Porndetanan, B., Sanlee, D., & Chumsaengsri, T. (2018). Development of operational plans for the green aquatic animal business and the aquatic animal restoration of seagrass beds with the participation of small-scale fishers from the Koh Muk community, Trang Province, Thailand. NIDA Development Journal, 58(1), 181–203. retrieved from


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