Community Management to Solve Headwaters Area of Songkhla Lake Basin

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พรนค์พิเชฐ แห่งหน
วันชัย ธรรมสัจการ
ปรีดี โชติช่วง


The objectives of this research were to study the significant problems in headwaters area of Songkhla Lake Basin (SLB) and identify sustainable solutions. The methodology divided into two parts: the research-oriented document to extract knowledge from dating past 40 years research papers related to the SLB, and the field work for in-depth interviews and organized groups discussion with community leaders, people and public parties involved in the headwaters area of SLB, 35 times from 24 sub-districts of 6 districts of Phatthalung Province: Pa Phayom, Si Banphot, Srinagarindra, Kong Ra, Tamot, and Pa Bon. The study found that six themes of the significant problems of headwaters: water management, arable land, forests, sewage and waste, external debt, and flooding. Regarding the problems associated with livelihoods, those who have a superficial consideration may think that it does not related to the SLB, but if considering in depth on it, one can figure out that whenever the SLB cannot provide the basic needs of their livelihoods, it is thus very hard convince them to take care and protect the SLB. Therefore, sustainable solutions is based on community participation management from people or community organizations, area leaders, local administrative organizations, government agencies, and the private sectors to achieve “Blast from the inside” to share ideas, co-decisions, joint solutions, co-beneficiaries, and participatory assessment.

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