Expenditure Efficiency and Rajabhat University Mergers
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Higher education in Thailand is facing declining demand from prospective students. The 38 Rajabhat Universities are not only decreasing demand for study but also increasing of government spending more than 100% compared 2007 to 2017. In this study, we estimate the Rajabhat University-level cost efficiency relative to cost frontier of Rajabhat University using Data Envelopment Analysis of 38 Rajabhat Universities for 2014 and 2015. We use Tobit model to study the relationship between the size of university and cost efficiency scores.
The result shows that the cost of many Rajabhat Universities trend to inefficiency. Suratthani and Suansunandha Rajabhat University are the best cost efficiency in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Tobit model shows that size is significantly positively related to cost efficiency scores. For coping with demand problem for Rajabhat University that should increase in size of Rajabhat university. We propose that inefficiencies Rajabhat Universities should be considered to merge.
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