Followership: Psychological Trait of Executives in Thai Business Organizations
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The objectives of this study were to identify factors that relate to followership and to propose a suitable process for followership development in Thai business organizations. The main research tool utilized was the Followership Inventory and Psychological Factors Scale (FIPFS-49) administered to 405 executives in Thai business organizations. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that coping, work performance, functional competency, leadership of the superior, and organizational climate explained 68 percent of the variance in the followership of the executives (R2 = 0.68, F = 166.71, p < 0.01). These results were the focus of a discussion on the topic of effective followership development strategies with executives and workers from various levels of the Siam Cement Public Company Limited (SCG). An analysis of the group discussion suggested that a suitable process for the followership development in business organizations should focus on recruitment and selection by assessment center, training and development by on-the-job learning, motivating by open and challenge culture, maintenance by performance appraisal, and termination by corporate governance with integrity.
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