Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management and Technological Development Capabilities on Organizational Competency and Performance: A Case Study of Auto and Automotive Parts Manufacturing Industries in Thailand

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Malai Chomphuka
Anchana NaRanong
Tippawan Lorsuwannarat


This article aims to share a three-folded perspective as the key results of the case study in the auto and automotive parts manufacturing industries in Thailand. Firstly, it points to the roles and interrelations of the four capability factors of the enterprises concerning strategic technological capabilities, knowledge management capabilities, operation and production competency and organizational performance. Secondly, it draws up and shows an integrated model used for assessment of such capability factors and impacts on organizational competency and performance. Lastly, it refers to an investigation and illustration of some critical parameters and effects of these factors.  A mixed approach has been deployed, encircling literature review and desk-study & field observations for construction of images of industrial organizations and clusters. A questionnaire of 78 items was designed for surveying. A quantitative analysis applying multiple software packages was carried out upon the sample of 105 cases of the industrial enterprises that responded. Some statistical tools comprising MS Excel, SPSS, AMOS and SmartPLS were implemented based on structural equation modelling. The results have statistically discovered some interrelationships between the conceptualized factors and components. Substantially, it finds tangible correlations between these organizational capabilities, particularly influencing organizational competency and performance.

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How to Cite
Chomphuka, M., NaRanong, A., & Lorsuwannarat, T. (2018). Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management and Technological Development Capabilities on Organizational Competency and Performance: A Case Study of Auto and Automotive Parts Manufacturing Industries in Thailand. NIDA Development Journal, 58(3), 245–275. Retrieved from


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