Strategies of Creative Literature Review for New Researchers

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Wilai Phungphol
Prasopchai Pasunon


An important literature review is the systematic organization of issues related to the objectives of the research that needs to be synthesized in order to create a new research. The new researchers have to look for theories that had empirical results related to an ongoing research from the reliable sources and get published from quality journals. The objectives of the academic article were aimed to propose ten creative literature review strategies which related to the research process and guideline on a fast and effective search for theories to new researchers. Before the literature review, two principles need to be studied which were: 1) the value and importance of the literature review and; 2) the main goals of a creative literature review. When starting to review literature, the following 8 major strategies are applied: 1) Set up research methodology in accordance with the strategies; 2) Strategically review the literature that is most related to the research; 3) Use reviewed literature in the research methodology; 4) Principles of creative writing  the research report by using the literature review; 5) Precautions of possibly frequent mistakes that suggesting the use of 5 practices and 1 prohibition strategy offerings; 6) The appropriate form of writing the literature review; 7) The principles of the creative synthesis in a quantitative research for new researchers; and 8) Effective library access.

          New researchers can apply the strategies of this academic article to add value to their research with confidence on creating academic articles in order to have their research published with recognition to become a professional academician.

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How to Cite
Phungphol, W., & Pasunon, P. (2018). Strategies of Creative Literature Review for New Researchers. NIDA Development Journal, 58(4). Retrieved from


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