Development of an ELearning Model to Facilitate Internal Communication

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Duangta Duangekanong
Poonsri Vate-U-Lan


The goal of this research was to develop a conceptual model for elearning as a supporting tool for business process management. A mixed methods case study was used to evaluate and test an elearning model in a case study firm. The case study focused on internal communications processes and procedures, which was a specific issue of the case firm. The elearning model was developed through a combination of preliminary testing and expert review, which identified eight elearning characteristics that ultimately led to process knowledge (internal communications effectiveness) through perceived usefulness, user satisfaction and knowledge transfer. Following an organizational training intervention, the model was retested. This retesting demonstrated that the conceptual framework reliably measured internal communication effectiveness. The implication of these findings is that elearning is an effective tool for supporting business process management and that specific characteristics of elearning influence training outcomes.

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How to Cite
Duangekanong, D. ., & Vate-U-Lan, P. . (2018). Development of an ELearning Model to Facilitate Internal Communication. NIDA Development Journal, 59(2), 1–19. retrieved from


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