Self-management of Individuals with Noncommunicable Diseases during Covid-19: The Role of eHealth Literacy, Self-efficacy, Social Support, Perceived Risk and Health Information Seeking Behavior

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Pornpun Prajaknate
Kirati Kachentawa


The research objectives of this study were to examine the influences of eHealth literacy, self-efficacy, social support, perceived risk of Covid-19 infection and health information seeking behavior on self-management of individuals living with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) during Covid-19.

Mixed research methods were employed in this study. With regard to the qualitative research method, in-depth interview were conducted among 5 key informants who were public health professionals, journalists and community health care volunteer. Regarding quantitative research method, online questionnaires were distributed to 180 respondents who were report having chronic NCDs in the past year.

The qualitative findings showed that the most critical problem confronting individuals with NCDs during Covid-19 was poverty and unemployment. Individuals with NCDs sought for health information from online media and health care volunteer in their community. Therefore, it is necessary for them to have a high eHealth literacy skills, particularly, the ability to access reliable information sources, as well as the capacity to access the quality of health information.

Finding from survey demonstrated that perceived self-efficacy was the most powerful factor that directly influenced the self-management of individuals with NCDs during Covid-19 which explained at least 13% of the variances.

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How to Cite
Prajaknate, P., & Kachentawa, K. . (2022). Self-management of Individuals with Noncommunicable Diseases during Covid-19: The Role of eHealth Literacy, Self-efficacy, Social Support, Perceived Risk and Health Information Seeking Behavior. NIDA Development Journal, 62(2). retrieved from



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