Research on the Motivation of Users' Participation in Online Reviews on Catering O2O Platform

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Hui Bai
Zhongwu Li



As the number of Internet users in China reached 904 million, the Internet penetration rate reached 64.5% and the number of online shopping users was 710 million up to March 2020. With the progress of science, technology and the vigorous development of network infrastructures, the sales growth of traditional chain retail companies has slowed down and the growth rate of profits has declined, so chain retail companies need to adapt to the characteristics of the times. It is urgent to actively seek the development of transformation. The essence of O2O (Online to Offline) is to integrate virtual network business and real business in the field of life consumption through Internet technology. The current study applied TAM model to research on the relationships between independent variables (the individual’s pursuit of economic returns, reputation and self-efficacy) and dependent variable (users’ willingness to participate in online review), while moderating by other users’ perceived comment costs. The results shown that comment cost has a moderating effect on the effect of perceived usefulness on online comment intention (review), and all independent variables and dependent variable have significant relationships either directly or indirectly.


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How to Cite
Bai, H., & Li, Z. (2024). Research on the Motivation of Users’ Participation in Online Reviews on Catering O2O Platform. NIDA Development Journal, 60(3-4), 151–194. Retrieved from


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