National Space Strategies: Building Thailand’s LEO Industry Cluster
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Technological advancement is a crucial driver of economic growth. Thailand, aiming to escape the middle-income trap, requires robust science, technology, and innovation policies to enhance competitiveness. Embracing the new space economy, mainly focusing on low-Earth orbit (LEO) technology, can significantly contribute to national economic development. This paper offers policy recommendations to the Thai government and outlines a conceptual model for future research. Specifically, this examines how Thailand can advance its LEO industry cluster, drawing insights from the Diamond Model, the current body of knowledge in the relevant literature. Hence, the study provides eight policy recommendations for government actions. Moreover, future research must validate the proposed model and assess economic feasibility through cost-benefit analysis. Empirical evidence from future research will strengthen government recommendations from this study. Furthermore, mixed methods research, action research, and design science approaches can facilitate the development of evidence-based policies derived from the validated model.
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