Factors related to Holistic Well-Being of Youth from Broken Homes

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Pinnapa Muakyod


This study attempts to explore a correlation between factors and holistic well-being. The samplings, selected from the simple random sampling method, were 257 youth from broken homes and had been in the rectification process of The Observation and Protection Center, Regional Office 7. The research instrument was questionnaires and the data obtained were analyzed by using Independent sample t-test, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and Stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings were as follows:

            1) Youth from broken homes, who had high levels of self-regulation, optimism, moral reasoning, basic practice base on Buddhism and social support, had a higher level of holistic well-being than youth who had low levels of those factors.

            2) There was a positive correlation between holistic well-being and the factor of self-regulation, optimism, moral reasoning, basic practice base on Buddhism and social support.

            3) Self-regulation, basic practice base on Buddhism, optimism and family support were used to predict holistic well-being upto 60.3 percent. Among them, self-regulation was the key prophecy which could predict holistic well-being upto 47.7 percent. And when this factor came along with the basic practice base on Buddhism, two factors together cloud predict the holistic well-being upto 58.5 percent.  

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How to Cite
Muakyod, P. (2014). Factors related to Holistic Well-Being of Youth from Broken Homes. NIDA Development Journal, 55(1), 51–80. https://doi.org/10.14456/ndj.2015.8