Developing a Measurement of Talent Engagement in Thailand

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Chanitapant Tanawattanakorn


This study was performed with the aim to test the reliability and validity of a talent engagement scale in Thailand based on an academic literature review. In order to accomplish this, quantitative data collection methods were adopted and all necessary steps in developing the questionnaires were implemented. The present study makes extensive use of primary data gathered from two well-known organizations based in Thailand, one which operates in the public sector, while the other represents the private sector. These two organizations were selected based on talent definition and the presence of a talent management system. The public organization chosen utilizes the High Performance and Potential System (HiPPS) program, and CP All Public Company Limited serves as the private o[1]rganization for this study. For the pilot test, 100 subjects were tested by the alpha coefficient to develop the first draft of the questionnaire. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was then used with 350 subjects to test whether the theoretical-based factor in HRD roles in talent management, personal factor, and organization factor are predetermined factors to determine the talent engagement. The results confirmed that the appropriateness of the talent engagement measurement is fairly reliable and valid.


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How to Cite
Tanawattanakorn, C. (2015). Developing a Measurement of Talent Engagement in Thailand. NIDA Development Journal, 55(4), 1–36. retrieved from