Key Success Factors in the Organic Agriculture Policy Implementation

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Kulchaya Temchavala


The objectives of the study were to identify problems, obstacles and restrictions the national organic agriculture policy implementation, and to evaluate the success factors of the policy implementation in order to propose an organic agricultural policy model for sustainable policy implementation. This qualitative research included both documentary and field research. The unit of analysis was organic agriculture projects implemented in all parts of Thailand. The triangular method was used to verify the data, and content analysis was made to find out the results. It was found that the national organic agriculture policy implementation progressed satisfactorily. The main obstacles were a negative attitude of government official concerned toward the policy, budget allocation, an coordination among related agencies, conflict of the government’s development policies, low interest of agriculturists due to inaccessibility to related information, and no opportunity to participation in the policy setting, difference in the organic product standards between the public and the private sectors and between countries. In addition, the entrepreneur’s leadership, business structure, capital, commitment and lifestyle affected the success of the national organic agriculture policy implementation. The policy structure and planning were recommended that is, human resources should be trained to have a good knowledge of organic agriculture throughout the supply chain. The budget allocation should be project - based and practical research should be financially supported. Organic products needed to be made to differ from conventional products. There should be PR for organic branding. A course on organic agriculture should be designed to educate the people. Future research should study international success cases of resource funding, organic supply chain management in order to adapt to the Thai context.

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