Journal of Thai Studies 

ISSN: 1686-7459 E-ISSN: 2822-0668

Publication Frequency: 2 issues per year ( June and December)

The journal of Thai Studies is a humanities journal with a stong intention to promote knowledge about Thai and Tai Studies and to support Thai Studies researchers who have focused their field of interest connected with Thailand. Accordingly, the journal is open to research regarding Tai and Thai ethnic groups and also to research relating to Tai or Thai, even though not located in Thailand. All articles will be used a double-blind peer review system.

Change of criteria for assessing the quality of articles for the Journal of Thai Studies


The Journal of Thai Studies is an academic journal that publishes articles in the humanities and social sciences regarding Tai-Thai studies to foster new knowledge and enhance the wisdom of Tai-Thai people for the general public. The Journal of Thai Studies has been continuously disseminating such knowledge for a long time. At present, the journal is published both in printed form and in electronic media. All articles are subject to a peer review process by qualified reviewers to ensure the quality of the articles before acceptance for publication.

 The Journal of Thai Studies would like to inform that from 15 July 2021 onwards, the journal adjusted the criteria for assessing the quality of articles to have at least three experts from various institutions consider the quality of articles in accordance with the Announcement of the Civil Service Commission on criteria and procedures for appointing a person to be an assistant professor, associate professor and professor (Version 4), 2021, dated 5 July 2021, so that the author can use the work to apply for an academic position according to the announcement.

The Journal of Thai Studies reserves the right to withdraw articles for which the author has not contacted the journal for more than three months.

The Journal of Thai Studies reserves the sole right to publish articles that have been reviewed by experts and edited by the author in all cases.

Vol. 20 No. 2 (2024): December

Published: 26-12-2024

Notions of Women’s Issues in The Satri Thai Magazine (1925-1927)

Chutacaphat Rattanaphan, Thaneerat Jatuthasri, Chairat Polmuk

Article ID: e267248 (29 pages)

World War I in Thai Plays during the Reign of King Rama VI (1910-1925): Presentation Techniques and Concepts

Chanaphon Pansombut, Thaneerat Jatuthasri, Chairat Polmuk

Article ID: e269455 (34 pages)

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