Religions Syncretism Beliefs in Spirits, Deities and Buddhism in Chula-katin Ceremony of Tai Yuan People in Wat Bantap Community, Tambon Thapha, Mea Cham District, Chiangmai Province


  • Panupong Udomsilp


Religions Syncretism, Spirits, Deities, Tai Yuan People, Wat Bantap, Chula-katin Ceremony


This research aims to study the religions syncretism beliefs in spirits, deities, and Buddhism in Chula-katin ceremony of Tai Yuan people in Wat Bantap Community, Tambon Thapha, Mae Cham District, Chiangmai Province by investigating the pattern of the location setting and symbols used in the ceremony, focusing on the context of the Tai Yuan’s traditional ceremony. The findings show that the Chula-katin ceremony of Tai Yuan people reflects a system of beliefs in spirits and deities that are traditional beliefs of Tai Yuan people in Wat Bantap Community. Such beliefs have been well-blended with Buddhist beliefs. The place setting for the ceremony is a symbolic area representing belief in the four guardian deities of the earth, Goddess of the Earth, temple spirits, and ancestral spirits. It is believed that these holy bodies are committed to protecting their offspring and guarding the process of Chula-katin ceremony to run smoothly.

Author Biography

Panupong Udomsilp

Head of Department of Thai Oriental Language, Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University


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How to Cite

Udomsilp, P. (2023). Religions Syncretism Beliefs in Spirits, Deities and Buddhism in Chula-katin Ceremony of Tai Yuan People in Wat Bantap Community, Tambon Thapha, Mea Cham District, Chiangmai Province. Journal of Thai Studies, 12(1), 35–55. Retrieved from



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