Utilization and Satisfaction of Twitter Media in Building Relationships of MIRM (Men who Use the Internet to Seek Relationships with Others)
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Nowadays, many MIRM, or men who use the internet to seek relationships with others, have been using Twitter to communicate with each other. Twitter is the new space of interaction between them. This article presents the study of the utilization and the satisfaction of Twitter of MIRM, using Netnography as the primary method. The research spanned five months and interviewed twenty research participants. The results showed that there are three motivations for MIRM using Twitter to build relationships: 1) Twitter properties, 2) Twitter popularity, and 3) social-area – concealment-area. In terms of utilization to meet satisfaction, there are two aspects: 1) for self-presentation and for presenting one's work, and 2) to search for groups of people or content of similar interests. The study also found that the satisfaction of MIRM using Twitter as a medium of communication was high. This is often because it works on demand and fully meets individual needs. The study also reflects that Twitter is now more than just a social media site; it has become a free space for LGBT and political expression.
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