The Representation of Women in Confucian Society in South Korean Advertisements

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Minthita Thanapiboonroj
Paphonphat Kobsirithiwara


          This research aimed at examining and analyzing the persistence or change of women’s representation according to Confucian norms in 190 South Korean advertisements uploaded to Youtube in 2020. The study revealed the persistence or change of women’s representation according to Confucian norms as follows: No.1) Women must be humble and obedient to men because men are the patriarch of the family. Thus, women have to rely on men in their family: young women rely on fathers; married women rely on husbands; and when their husbands pass away, they rely on sons. The analysis of this research revealed that the change of women’s representations was distinctive, based on the results of actresses who appeared in the advertisements as well as the results of advertisements categorized by product or service. No.2) Women’s gender roles are good mother and wife. They have to serve all family members and accomplish all household chores effectively. The results can be revealed from advertisements categorized by product or service as well as female-related activities appeared in commercial advertising. No.3) Women must be perfect both mentally and physically, as reflected in women’s representation from the analysis in advertisements categorized by product or service as well as female-related activities appeared in commercial advertising. In conclusion, women’s representation in South Korean commercial advertisements in 2020 can be divided into 4 categories as follows: 1) The representation of independent women 2) The representation of health-conscious women 3) the representation of beauty-conscious women, and 4) the representation of the ideal housewife.

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