News Article Reading Problems Encountered by Thai Learners of Japanese Language: A Case Study of 4th year Thai University Students Majoring in Japanese Language

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Waralee Juntaro


          The objective of this research is to analyze news article reading problems encountered by 10 Thai university students majoring in Japanese who were in their 4th year. By applying Thinking-out-loud (or Thinking-aloud) method to collect data, the target group was given a 547-character news article, whose topic was daily life-related, to read and interpret in thorough details. Then, the target group was asked to narrate their thoughts and understanding of the article’s content. As a result, the problems found could be summarized into 5 categories: 1) vocabulary comprehension, 2) article’s content interpretation, 3) sentence structure comprehension, 4) application of background knowledge to interpret the article, and 5) others. The first three major problematic items were omitting parts of the article (21.33%), misunderstanding of sentence structures (18.66%), and incorrect guess of vocabulary meanings (18.00%). Moreover, problems caused by specific characteristics of the news article concerned the headline, vocabulary of foreign origin not used in textbooks, specific vocabulary referring to person’s or place’s names, and interpretation of the news photographs. Based on these results, the following classroom practices are proposed: suggesting learners to be aware of reading objectives, explaining specific characteristics of sentence structures, providing vocabulary and expression lists, and giving more information on how to look up words.


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