Analysis of Thai Herbal Recipes in Isan Palm Leaf Scripture: A Case Study of the 1st Palm Leaf Chapter of Folk Healer Pim Kaewwiset

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piyaporn_s sansila
Naragorn Senglek
Pakamon Thanatuskitti


           This study aimed to: 1) investigate the local wisdom of folk healers in healthcare appearing in Isan palm leaf scriptures; 2) transliterate the Isan palm leaf scriptures into modern Thai alphabet; and 3) classify herbal medicine recipes appearing in the Isan palm leaf scriptures according to Thai pharmaceutical principles. This was a qualitative research study. The transliteration of the palm leaf scriptures of the folk healer Pim Kaewwiset was assessed by Isan ancient dialect specialists, and the herbal recipes were analysed according to principles of Thai traditional medicine. The studied scriptures had 11 palm leaves containing 22 pages and they were written briefly and clearly in Isan dialect.

           The findings revealed that the studied palm leaf scriptures contained 73 recipes for healing of aliments and 28 methods for compounding medicine. Most of the recipes and treatment were concerned with fever, skin eruption, blood circulation, digestive system and other. The palm leaf scriptures were composed of 239 herbal drug ingredients, comprising 221 herbal plant matters, 6 mineral matters, and 12 animal matters. There were also descriptions of teacher worship and magical power praying for healing. In conclusion, the Isan palm leaf scriptures showed the local wisdom of Isan folk healers in patient remedy using holistic care for both physical and psychological health. Results from this study were also useful for further knowledge development, and for dissemination to students and general population for basic health care, as well as for preservation of local wisdom of folk healers.

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