The Creation of Tai Yuan Folk Performing Art, Sao-Hai District, Saraburi Province in Covid-19 Situation

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Kanpidcha Sumawan
Wanasak Padungsestakit


           The creation of Tai Yuan folk performing art in the Covid-19 situation purposed to contemporize the Tai Yuan folk art in the performance “Tee Sud Tai.” The scope of this study is at Tai Yuan Village, Sao-Hai District in Saraburi Province. This is a qualitative and creative research studying from documentation, interviews with related persons, field study survey, and experience of the researcher.

           Based on the research, the author found that the application of the contemporary Tai Yuan folk art performance “Tee Sud Tai” included local weaving lifestyles, dance conservation, costume dressing, and hairstyle to create and demonstrate a new local performance that indicates Tai Yuan identity during the Covid-19 situation. It could be the tool to allow audiences to understand and see new aspects from this creative work. Additionally, the work is different from the original one. The author has no desire to destroy the original performance but intends to maintain knowledge and local wisdom in the new world when the situation is changing all the time.

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