The Persistence of the Thai Fiddle in Current Social and Culture Conditions

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Veerawat Senchantichai
Pichawat Sophonpanyarasmi


                Everything in this world must adjust itself to the surrounding environment. The Thai fiddle, one of the representatives of Thai classical music, is a traditional Thai instrument that is confronted with challenges because cultures and music popularity have changed over time. The persistence of this conventional Thai music custom depends upon the maintenance of the value of its Thai music heritage, but it is difficult to deny that a purpose of music is to entertain its listeners, and therefore the contemporary listeners’ appreciation has played a vital role. The compromise between classical culture conservation and adjustment to the culture of the current generation context is critical. The result of the idea is to balance modernization and traditional uniqueness. This article has reviewed the apparent evidence of the challenges Thai classical music has faced through Thai fiddle stories. Moreover, suggestions for the preservation of the Thai fiddle are made from the micro level – family – to the macro level – government – so that the Thai fiddle and classical music can be with Thai society endlessly.

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