Dictogloss in JFL Context: A Case of Thai University Student

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Suneerat Neancharoensuk


                This research 1) studied opinions of students in Thailand learning Japanese about sentence construction from listening; and 2) examined the effects of peer interaction on sentence creation to aid in Japanese language learning. The sample group consisted of eight undergraduate Japanese language majors. The results were that 1) students believed that dictogloss helped develop Japanese language skills, enabling them to better observe their own weaknesses in Japanese language, with an average score of 5.00; and 2) collaborative peer interactions in sentence construction may promote Japanese language learning. 68% of language-related episodes (LREs) facilitated correct sentence discovery from collaborative dialogues. This LRE-type dominated conversational turns because students strove to resolve problems. These findings suggest that dictogloss offers opportunities in Japanese for listening and sentence reconstruction, noticing flaws in Japanese language ability, formulating and testing hypotheses and reflecting on interactions while mutually assisting composition.

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