การบูรณาการด้านออกแบบเชิงกลยุทธ์: กรณีศึกษาธุรกิจของตรา “เอสแอนด์พี”Integration in Strategic Design: A Case Study of “S&P” Brand Business

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สมพิศ ฟูสกุล



        Business required new ideas and strategies all the time or it incurs the risks in sustainable existence.At the same time, design academic faces another threat: lacking on linkage between academic and professional
practice outside the classroom. Integrating the design academic with the industrial practice is a good method that solves both problems. This applied research was partially funded by S&P Syndicate Public Company
Limited who acted as collaborated partner in this academic integration. The research objectives are as follows: 1) to study the main points of the S&P Syndicate Public Company Limited 2) to identify the design
problems and 3) to develop strategies and products for S&P Brand. This research was conducted in 8 steps, with emphasis on studying and analyzing the company’s background; executive’s aims; customers; markets
and trends; identifying the design problems; and developing the new strategies and product opportunities for S&P brand. The results included 1) new product strategies that lead to 2) identifying the main design problem resulting from analyzing of three issues: “in what ways could S&P being loved by people in this generation and the next?”; company’s three key business principles: Quality, Value and Virtue; and the key slogan “S&P Simply Delicious”. The main design problem was then divided into five most potential sub-themes, resulting in 3) five design strategies and product outcomes that were demonstrated in the forms of concepts; strategic proposals; and final designs. When the design outcomes were presented to the executives from S&P and the external committees, they were received with favorable responses. In conclusion, this integration of academic and business in strategic design helped developing the students’ skills; opened up an opportunity for S&P to help shaping the more qualified graduates; at the same time S&P could get inspirations that benefitted to its business. This kind of collaboration had both positive aspects and obstacles that needed to be further considered and solved.

Keywords: Strategic Design, Integrated Design, New Product Strategies, Design Collaboration, S&P


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How to Cite
ฟูสกุล ส. (2018). การบูรณาการด้านออกแบบเชิงกลยุทธ์: กรณีศึกษาธุรกิจของตรา “เอสแอนด์พี”Integration in Strategic Design: A Case Study of “S&P” Brand Business. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 26(1), 245–264. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/archkmitl/article/view/132836
Research Articles


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