Cultural Landscape of Traditional Community in Samut Songkhram Province

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Chanitikarn Jeenjaitrong
Kritaporn Haocharoen


The study of cultural landscape of traditional community in Samut Songkhram province is a qualitative research focusing on diverse occurrences with specific characteristics through history, geography, ecology, environment, community settlement systems, land uses, activity systems and cultures of traditional community in Samut Songkhram. The objectives are 1) to study physical characteristics, social features, cultures, and economy which have an impact on the cultural landscape, 2) to study on conditions that differentiate cultural landscape and 3) to summarize the context of cultural landscape that reflects the identity of the traditional community in Samut Songkhram by using in the research tools consisted of field survey, in-depth interviews and observations. There were 18 representatives for in-depth interviews in 3 districts: Bang Khonthi District, Amphawa District and Mueang Samut Songkhram District. The research showed that the unique characteristics of geography and the three aquatic ecosystems in Samut Songkhram differentiate the cultural landscape of the traditional community including settlement patterns, activity systems, land uses and cultures. Cultural contexts that reflect the identity of the traditional community can be classified into 3 main contexts: 1) cultural landscape in freshwater 2) cultural landscape in brackish water and 3) cultural landscape in coastal. The cultural landscape of the traditional community in each context has its own unique characteristics that represent the identity of the community. From the findings, knowledge assets can be applied to the consideration of planning, conservation and sustainable community development.

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How to Cite
Jeenjaitrong, C. ., & Haocharoen, K. (2020). Cultural Landscape of Traditional Community in Samut Songkhram Province. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 31(2), 17–33. Retrieved from
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