The Guideline of Interior Architectural Design of Teaching and Learning Space in Local Administrative Child Development Center: Case Studies of Nakorn Ratchasima Province

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Vitsanee Chaiyaruk
Kwanchit Ratanawannukul
Pongsak Loifa


The purposes of this research are to 1) study pattern of interior architecture that responds to child centered learning of child development center under Local Administrative Department    2) study physical environment factors and classroom space factors and 3) recommend the design of Interior Architecture that responds to child centered learning of case studies. The research instruments were interview forms of 20 center chiefs, survey forms of 230 teachers and five educators, to collect information and opinions on the behavior and teaching activities. Physical evaluation forms of 14 child centers provided pattern, environmental and space factors information. Mean, standard deviation and percentage were used in analysis section. It was found that patterns of interior architecture that responded to child centered learning of child development center were divided into three patterns 1) classroom was the center connecting to dining area, washing and tooth brushing area, medical room, restroom, multi-purpose courtyard. 2) front porch was connected to classroom, dining room, restroom, washing and tooth brushing area and multi-purpose courtyard. 3) Multi-purpose hall in the middle of the building surrounded with classroom, restroom, washing and tooth brushing area and teacher’s room. Physical environment factors affecting the design were three main areas; flagpole area and playground in the front, multi-purpose area and Chief of Center’s room and administration room, medical room and kitchen. Classroom space factors were divided into four areas; area in the middle of the rooms, teacher’s area, storage area and five experience corners. Area in the room supported the shared activities and experience corner activities. Furniture was convenient to be picked, used and stored by oneself. The guideline of interior architectural design in the classroom should be in rectangle shape, 85 square meter area. The area should be expanded to build corners and create warm and familiar atmosphere. The design emphasizes on empty space to support shared activities and experience corner activities.

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How to Cite
Chaiyaruk , V. ., Ratanawannukul , K. ., & Loifa , P. . (2021). The Guideline of Interior Architectural Design of Teaching and Learning Space in Local Administrative Child Development Center: Case Studies of Nakorn Ratchasima Province. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 33(2), 86–99. Retrieved from
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