Factors of Website Data and Website Quality That Affect the Satisfaction of Using a Website for Interior Design, Case Study: Interior Architecture Students

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Wirayut Kuisorn


The aim of this research is to study the factors of websites that affect the satisfaction of using a website for Interior Design of Interior Architecture students. In the Interior Architecture course, the instructor encourages students to study by themselves, by searching from a variety of resources including design websites. The results of the website factor study will be a criterion for teachers to consider a quality website for students or students to consider the appropriate website by themselves and website developers can use this factor in website development. This research is a study of website factors by using 8 website design criteria together with students' research to use information in design. The case study was based on a preliminary study with qualitative research by interviewing 59 students, which summarized 6 websites as follows: Pinterest, Archdaily, Arch20, Houzz, Dezeen and Ignant. Research data were collected by questionnaires from 221 Interior Architecture students and analyzed by statistical programs.  The result of this research can summarize the websites that students use in researching are Pinterest and Arcdaily. As for the criteria, the students used in considering the selection of the website are the data factor on the website, divided into 3 groups: 1) Data criteria for internal architectural construction: material properties system work in the building, design pictures, layouts, and furniture pictures, 2) conceptual design data: concept, content, and design pictures, 3) designer information: designer biography, job description, and design pictures, and website quality factor, divided into 2 groups: 1) Website Design Criteria: image clarity, classification, file downloads for consistent use in many systems, simplicity, uniqueness, and quality of graphics, 2) data quality criteria: Designer information, design description, data integrity, navigation, and quality of graphics.

However, these websites have enough factors and information to design, but the students suggested more construction information, such as the process of improving the design and the construction process. This is an issue that should be studied further to be presented on the website in the future.

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How to Cite
Kuisorn, W. (2021). Factors of Website Data and Website Quality That Affect the Satisfaction of Using a Website for Interior Design, Case Study: Interior Architecture Students. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 33(2), 100–114. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/archkmitl/article/view/251842
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