Patterns of Urak Lawoi vernacular houses during the permanent settlement in Baan Toh – Baliew community, Krabi province

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Aumpika Amloy


This article aims to study the patterns of Urak Lawoi vernacular houses during the permanent settlement in the Baan Toh – Baliew community. These houses appeared when they could no longer use traditional boats to migrate to food sources—causing the question of what does the house patterns of the sample group? Including what factors do relate? The research hypothesis is that people's culture influences the characteristics of their houses, and it is not a standstill. Therefore, when the Urak Lawoi people switch from a nomadic lifestyle to a permanent settlement, their houses represent the adjustment of the living area to suit their specific culture and the culture of the people in the new land. The research method was a field survey, selecting the sample by the purposive sampling method with precise conditions selected as the criteria. The result shows that the patterns of Urak Lawoi vernacular houses during the permanent settlement blend a traditional and modern house, reflecting the adaptation of the social trend that changes its popularity over time and leading to an increase in factors and conditions to respond to the living. They are causing the patterns of houses to change from the original. Nevertheless, it still shows the continuity of wisdom in the building, which they inherit and adapt to suit the changing context. The related factors are 1) the use of fishing tools by other groups of people, 2) the collection of things and food, 3) cohabitation of many sub-families, 4) adoption of modern technology into their lives, 5) adoption of foreign cultures in the living space, and 6) respect for other beliefs. 

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How to Cite
Amloy, A. (2021). Patterns of Urak Lawoi vernacular houses during the permanent settlement in Baan Toh – Baliew community, Krabi province . Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 33(2), 15–28. Retrieved from
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