The Application of Auspicious Chinese Animal Signs to Jewelry Design

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patamas pinnukul


This research aims to study the auspicious Chinese animal signs towards jewelry design according to materials used in Art and Craft objects of Chinese shines in Phuket Province. The samples were selected by using a specific random sampling method in Muang district, Phuket Province. Research samples were consisted of the experts who are related to Chinese culture, including consumers/wearers generally from the government agencies, private sectors and private entrepreneurs with a total of 100 people, besides three jewelry designers and three other business operators from the jewelry stores. The data were analyzed to explain the satisfactory results in the jewelry sketch design to lead to the production of the fine piece.

The results of this research show that 1) auspicious Chinese animal signs communicate through art appeared in the Phuket Provincial Shrines. It has ideological meanings, beliefs and auspiciousness. This leads to the design of jewelry to be worn on the body to create new dimensions and to enhance the auspiciousness of the identity of the meaning itself. 2) Application of auspicious Chinese animal signs to jewelry design applied by the concepts and patterns from the auspicious Chinese animals is related to the meaning of appearance, ideals, beliefs to represent the meaning of prosperity brought to the design through the process of creating codes in production on body decoration. The results of satisfaction assessment of jewelry sketch designs are at a high level of mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}) = 4.35 with standard deviation (S.D = 0.60).


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How to Cite
pinnukul, patamas. (2021). The Application of Auspicious Chinese Animal Signs to Jewelry Design. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 33(2), 145–158. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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