The Study of Spatial Field Hospitals to Create Prototype in Public Building

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Chatchai Mingmalairuk


This research project is the guideline to implement interior space for being field hospital to support the patient who is infected with COVID-19. This project has purpose to 1) study spatial of field hospital,
2) create the guild line for the layout plan, and 3) create layout plan that is prototype of field hospital from adapting public buildings. For the scope of this research is the field hospital and Hospitel that is in Bangkok and surrounding areas and open in March 2020. Therefore, the only one population that is Thamasart Field Hospital. For the research method in this project has 6 methods that are 1) building evaluation for field hospital 2) survey opinion of surrounding community, 3) define possibility to use the each type of public building, 4) creation for criteria of design, 5) draft prototype plan, 6) approximation in sketch prototype plan, and 7) summary to field hospital 's the prototype plan. This research project define population and sampling of 4 groups. The four-sample group are 1) the field hospital that open in March 2020, 2) the people who use and give service in the field hospital and they are doctor, nurse, officer, and patient, 3) the people who have related process to create the field hospital and they are the building owner and surrounding community, and 4) the qualified person of related organization who assess building plan. Also, this project collects data with 5 research tools that are questionnaire (for patients), interview (for doctor, nurse, field staff, building owner being implement as field hospital, and building plan appraiser), site survey, behavior tracing form, and layout building. The Primary data is collected from 5 tools as mentioned above and processed with the secondary data about epidemiological and the establishment of field hospital from the agency which is related to government public health. In the conclusion of this project, the first issue is area component in the field hospital can be divided area of clean, semi-contaminated, and dirty. The second issue is layout design criteria about the field hospital, a summary of the area attribute that is group area, area description, size, area relation, furniture, system and environment quality. The third issue is layout prototype of the field hospital. It is received from using officer building, warehouse building, sermon hall building. In this research article has 8 type of building and indicates 3 layout prototype examples.

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How to Cite
POLCHANA, A., & Mingmalairuk, C. . . (2022). The Study of Spatial Field Hospitals to Create Prototype in Public Building. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 34(1), 1–20. Retrieved from
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