The Evolution of Japanese Housing Policy: From the Rapidly - Built Housing to the Vacant House Special Measures Policy

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Sastra Srihabhak
Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi
Querida Khotcharee
Montouch Maglumtong


Housing is a fundamental for human and international housing policies are adapted to changing circumstances. Japan has been doing housing development for a long time, from the rapid build housing due to the severe shortage of housing after the war, until the vacant house special measures policy in the modern era caused by the urban recession phenomenon. This article aims to study the evolution of Japanese housing policy from "Rapidly-Built Housing" to the "Vacant House Special Measures Policy", with the causes of socio-economic changes that affect to the policies, and lead to suggestions for housing policy in Thailand.

The results of this study found that Japan's housing policy can be divided into five eras: (1) Post-War Recovery and Manufacturing Industry Capabilities; (2) Housing Development for Urban Workers and the Promotion of Housing for All; (3) Promoting the Roles of Private Sector in Housing Development; (4) The Bubble Economy and afterwards; and (5) Japanese Housing Policy in the 21st Century. It shows that Japan's housing policy has evolved continually, according to the country's socio-economic and urban development, which is consistent with the concept of public policy process, due to systematic data collection. Moreover, Japan has issued laws and regulations in a timely manner, also with the reorganization, to effectively transfer the policies into practice. In addition, Japan's local governments play an important role in policy proposing and implementation, which acts concretely. Suggestions for Thailand’s housing policy includes: (1) There should be continuity of housing policy implementation in accordance with the public policy process; (2) creating housing data base for promptly use; and (3) organizations and laws should be developed and improved to be in line with the housing policy for effective implementations.

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How to Cite
Srihabhak, S., Panitchpakdi, K. ., Khotcharee, Q. ., & Maglumtong, M. . (2022). The Evolution of Japanese Housing Policy: From the Rapidly - Built Housing to the Vacant House Special Measures Policy. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 35(2), 54–71. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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