Cultural Identity of Talat Noi Community, Bangkok
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This research examined both the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Talat Noi Community regarding its outstanding cultural values. The methodology used in this study was qualitative. The results suggested that the Talat Noi community significantly demonstrated tangible cultural heritage, including the remaining structure. The community history was performed through the cluster settlement where people settled near Chao Phraya River valleys. Subsequently, the arrival of the urban road network, especially Charoen Krung Road, forced a change in the settlement pattern, most importantly, from the cluster settlement to the linear settlement. The urban road generated the building line in this community. Additionally, the Talat Noi community indicated cultural diversity via its architectural design and function, representing the centuries of population movement and migration. On the other hand, the intangible cultural heritage was incorporated into the rituals, traditions, settings, and locals' beliefs that connected to the people in this community throughout the years. Exceptionally, these elements, especially its beliefs, constituted the neighborhood's history, culture, and way of living. The interconnection between the people and their locality was displayed by the religious ceremony, superstition, and traditions embedded in the Talat Noi community's culture.
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