Roles and factors affecting changes of Kad Kong Ta community, Lampang province

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Sorawit Kiatpattaraporn
Kritaporn Haocharoen


This research was carried out to study the development of the Kad Kong Ta community from the past to the present, which was analyzed using physical, economic and social characteristics to summarize the roles and factors that affect changes of the Kad Kong Ta community at various times by surveying within the area and collecting its basic information, historical acknowledgement through literature reviews and related documents including interviews with key informants and the general public in total 25 people. The interviewees were selected based on the Purposive Sampling Method. According to the findings of the study, the Kad Kong Ta community has different roles and factors that affect transformations in each period, i.e. The main activity of the Kad Kong Ta community in its early days was trading along the Wang River. There were houses built along the river's length. This is a key factor in the community's expansion, leading to its primary role in trading, with a secondary role in housing. The heyday of the Kad Kong Ta community began after the development of the transportation system and the construction of the railway station. Aside from being an economic center, it also developed into a distinct and prosperous community. During this time, its primary role was still trading, with housing serving as a secondary role. As land transportation became more important in the community, its role as a mode of water transportation diminished. Furthermore, the center of prosperity was shifted to the community near the train station, which became a new commercial community. As a result, the community has shifted into a residential role. The area is still notable for its architecture and culture, and it also plays a secondary role in trade. There was a business in the neighborhood. The findings of this study will enhance more understanding of origin and context of areas at different periods of time and also help raise awareness of values and provide motivation for the readers so that they will take actions, which lead to conservation, planning for development, and area management of Kad Kong Ta community.

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How to Cite
Kiatpattaraporn, S., & Haocharoen, K. . (2022). Roles and factors affecting changes of Kad Kong Ta community, Lampang province. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 35(2), 109–124. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Sorawit Kiatpattaraporn, Urban Environmental Planning and Development Program, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University



Kritaporn Haocharoen, Urban Environmental Planning and Development Program, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University




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