Curriculum Evaluation on Landscape Architecture Program, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang

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Nandhawana Prasit
Thitiphan Tritrakarn
Kraithong Chotivutpattana


This research aimed to evaluate the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture curriculum, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang based on the CIPP Model focus on context, input, process, and product evaluation. The samples were selected by purposive sampling from the graduates and senior students in the academic year 2020. A questionnaire has been used for data collection. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis were the statistical tool for data analysis.

The research findings were: The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture curriculum was overall highly appropriate (mean = 4.01). The philosophy of the curriculum was apparently consistent with the objectives of the curriculum. The objectives of the curriculum were paralleled with the social changes and needs. The number of credits of the curriculum structure were highly appropriate. The number of the credits of the teaching-learning arrangement in each subject of the curriculum were highly appropriate.  The teaching staffs’ competencies and the teaching-learning arrangement were evaluated at the highest level. The measurement and evaluation and the promotion and development of student characteristics were highly appropriate. The sufficiency of the learning support facilities was moderately appropriate. The learning achievement of the graduates and senior students were evaluated at high level (3.21).   87.09% of graduates is in a good level. The curriculum assessment results in each aspect have been considered and used in the development and improvement process of 2020 edition of the curriculum. This current curriculum, keeping the same core structure and philosophy as the previous one, has added the improvement of the efficiency of teaching and learning management, the development of the teachers and learning support facilities. It also has the new arrangement of the course credit and more specific and elective subjects in order to create the objectively appropriate study plan and curriculum. In this regard, the multi-stakeholders opinions had been gathered through hearing both in part of the course structure and quality of graduates and taken into account for the improvement of the curriculum as well.

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How to Cite
Prasit, N. . ., Tritrakarn, T. ., & Chotivutpattana, K. . (2023). Curriculum Evaluation on Landscape Architecture Program, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 36(1), 95–114. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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