Songkhla Old Town Cultural Guide Map: The Making Process

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Songkhla Old Town Cultural Guide Map is the transformation of word-based architectural research results into physical forms and data representations. So that both those who are interested and the general public can continue to use it in any way. There are two pages on the map: the front map showing the layout of the entire old town area. and the location is specified eight case study buildings which is a representative of the interesting tenement buildings and originated from the classification of physical forms into four types are Traditional Chinese Buildings, Commercial Chinese Buildings, Sino-European Buildings and Contemporary Buildings, selected to be presented on the map, two of each type, each showing details of architectural elements that express individual identity with explanation. And the map on the back is a landscape line showing the location of the building that has five types of cultural activities, namely eating and drinking, temporary accommodation, faith, social affairs and traditional residence.

In addition, the mapping process also answered the research question using a mixed research method, namely have in-depth interviews together with the field surveys for surveying and collecting case studies used in these maps and the preparation of 200 questionnaires to assess satisfaction with the use of maps. From all 3 research questions, it was found that 1. Able to present research data through mapping and related media should be explained in a format that is easy to understand quickly. 2. From in-depth interviews and inquiries, it was found that the stakeholders said that cultural maps in the old town of Songkhla were necessary and should be available. Because it will increase understanding and make the value of conservation and development. 3. Locals and tourists able to participate in the process of mapping by the researcher creating a prototype map for easy use in interviews, asking for opinions and evaluating through questionnaires. If villagers and tourists can participate in the selection of case studies through building classification from the beginning. The mapping process will be a truly participatory work process.

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How to Cite
RATANASUPA, O. . (2023). Songkhla Old Town Cultural Guide Map: The Making Process. Asian Creative Architecture, Art and Design, 36(1), 153–172. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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