The multifaceted aspects of agricultural landscape value and agricultural landscape valuation exhibit diversity
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The agricultural landscape is a synthesis of human culture and natural environment. This cultural landscape possesses a distinct identity and holds significant importance. Both urbanization and agricultural operations have an impact on the values and environment of agricultural landscapes. Numerous global organizations have implemented policies that protect and address environmental issues in agricultural areas. However, Thailand still emphasizes on economical values. This study, therefore, aims to evaluate the worth of different agricultural landscapes and apply this assessment to the agricultural landscape of Thailand. By thoroughly examining relevant organizations' documents, research papers, publications, and policies, the agricultural landscape has been established to have multiple dimensions, including both natural and cultural elements. Agriculture processes that contribute to the distinctive landscape of agricultural Landscape have varied degrees of value across multiple aspects, such as (1) The value of cultural elements that can be physically perceived for their historical values, antiquity, and uniqueness; (2) Agriculture and traditional natural values, including local flora, water sources, tree clusters, and landforms; (3) The wisdom-based approach that enhances the value of agricultural land by promoting the development of natural and semi-natural agricultural landscapes that align with the original ecology; and (4) The aesthetic value and beauty of the place that make it an attractive destination for recreational, agricultural, and cultural tourism. The purpose of agricultural landscape assessment is to safeguard their inherent qualities, restore depreciated value, and plan for development. Finally, the evaluation consists of four primary indicators. This assessment utilizes a quantitative evaluation to assess the land cover as well as a qualitative evaluation to assess intangible dimensions such as aesthetics and attractiveness.
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