The Development Strategies of Students’ Identity of Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University

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เตือนใจ บรรเจิดกิจ


The purpose of this research and development was threefold: First, to construct the indicators of student identity at Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University (NSRU); Second, to establish a strategic plan for developing student identity; and Third, to study the desired characteristics of students based on a strategic plan for developing student identity. The sample group in this study consisted of administrators, lecturers, officials, stakeholders, and present alumni. Sample in this study was divided into 3 groups: 1) a group for establishing indicators of developing student identity as administrators, staffs, personnel, stakeholder, alumni, and present students; 2) a group for building strategic plan as experts and a quality assurance committee; and 3) a group for using development as students from student organization, student club, student council, and student who participating with this research. Also, research instruments consisted of 5 sets of questionnaire and 5 sets of evaluation form. These following statistics were applied: percentage, means, and standard deviation. Research fiflffllndings were as follows: 1) As a result of student identity at the NSRU was “Working in team, Expertise in technology, Honesty, and having Public-mindedness on community and locality”. Moreover, also had 4 missions and 12 indicators that could be reflflffllected university’s identity and uniqueness; 2) Strategic plan for development consisted of university’s philosophy, visions, missions, and projects/ activities, based on the three strategic issues: 2.1) building awareness and perception, 2.2) developing teaching and learning processes, and 2.3) developing activities and supporting students; and 3) Strategies for using students development affecting the student perception toward identity. These aspects made students have knowledge, understanding, and satisfaction on identity at the highest level. In addition, these activities had effects on practitioners with identity in every aspect and team working. As a result of student behaviors, they were able to perform their designed characteristics based on the NSRU student identity.

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