Causal Relationships of that Influence the Effectiveness of Metropolitan Police Stations

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ศิริจันทร์ จันทร์แสงสว่าง


Metropolitan police stations are significant places for maintaining peace and order in the society. They have to take care of people who live in Bangkok and provide 24-hour service, as people expect the police to provide them with convenient, fast, and fair services. However, metropolitan police stations have been encountering limitations in their operations including lack of personnel, budget, supplies, equipment and modern technology. This negatively affects efficient management and goal achievement. The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the effectiveness of metropolitan police stations; 2) to study the influence of factors including transformational leadership, organizational culture, organizational competency, learning organization, organizational commitment, and community participation on the effectiveness of metropolitan police stations; This research utilized a quantitative methods. For the quantitative research part, the sample consisted of 528 respondents including police officers from 88 metropolitan police stations who hold the position of deputy commander, inspector, deputy-inspector, or squad leader. They were selected via multi-stage sampling. The sample size was determined based on 20 times the manifest variables. Data were collected with the use of a questionnaire and analyzed with a structural equation model. The research findings indicated that: 1) the metropolitan police stations were the most efficient in terms of the internal process model, followed by the rational goal model, open system model, and human relations model, respectively; 2) transformational leadership and organizational competency had an influence on the effectiveness of the metropolitan police stations while other factors were not found to have an influence; The findings can also be used to inform strategies for the development of human resources within the Royal Thai Police.

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