Marketing Strategy to Success of Spa Enterpreneur Through Digital Channel in Bangkok Digital Channel in Metropolitan Region

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Thanrawee Thornsiripunnarote


This research is aim to (1) study on a characteristic of the entrepreneur and the business operation of spa products in digital market in Bangkok and suburb. (2) study on the features of market strategy through digital channels for the business operation of spa products through digital channels in Bangkok and suburb. (3) study on the success in undertaking the business of spa products through digital channels in Bangkok and suburb. (4) find out a guideline on the strategy of digital marketing and the success in undertaking the business of spa products through digital channels in Bangkok and suburb, by a qualitative method, using a specific sampling method and collecting information by an insight interviewing with an important informant which consist of 1) the entrepreneur of spa products distribution, 2) the consumers who select the products through digital channels, 3) a group of academicians selecting by a purposive sampling from a group of informants 81 people and analyzing by a content analysis. A research’s result found that (1) the characteristics of the entrepreneur and the business operation of spa products is that, the entrepreneurs possess a basic knowledge of an innovative production and herb properties and using technology in creating online business, website and selling products through Facebook. Furthermore, they should know about the principle of planning and directing the direction of a business in creating a difference of products including a communication using a video content in order to communicate with customers and researching on a demand of consumers by studying on the behavior of asking for the information of herb properties, and the feature of business operation by which the facial products should be based on an organic ingredient and another product for general skin and other should be based on natural herb. And lastly, the organization of inventories using a Bar Code in order to compute and plan the order quantity next time, (2) the features of market strategy through digital channels for the business operation of a spa products through digital channels,those are, creating the difference of products and mixtures but remain the resemblance of herb benefits, a strategic planning on marketing using the process of marketing through a searching box by using a keyword in naming website so that it could be in the top rank in a searching page, creating an opportunity that the customers can explore the website relevant to the customers’ behavior which is to search for the products through the searching box and the strategic planning through online media in advertising through Facebook including clip video on Youtube making an information sharing and tracking from the customers resulting the mouth-to-mouth marketing and the entrepreneur also uses a communication strategy through the famous persons in online platforms for recommending the products by comparing a distinctive point in order to ensure the customers (3) the success in undertaking the business of spa products through digital channels, those are, the customers are in favor of ordering the products through digital channels due to the increase of reliability and the customers expect to get more special price than other channels, an expansion of marketing by recruiting an agent including creating a network between the agent and the same industrial entrepreneur in both domestic and international, (4) the guideline on the strategy of marketing and the success in undertaking the business need a knowledge and a proficiency in the quality of herbal products by using the innovative production, the emphasis, the creation of the product difference for the competitive advantage. The marketing strategy which is popular and interests the customers is the marketing strategy through the searching box. Therefore, the entrepreneurs should emphasize on specifying keywords in searching for their own products by surveying or from the statistic on the searching from the most popular keywords in the searching box of their own spa products in order to improve the website or online shop, communication, photo and video content and articles through the online media in order to approach a group target of customers and make them perceive and pass along. The measurement of the success in undertaking the business is to earn the profit and the circulation, and the perception of customers and the response of product ordering.

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